Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Another successful ride year

Although many of our rides this year were washed out, we enjoyed another successful season.  Perhaps a highlight was our return to Fred’s home at Spofford Lake.  Pot luck dinner are always favorites, so thanks go out to all that hosted.
We had a good turnout for our last organized ride of the season last night.  During my closing remarks I mentioned Neil Quinn, who is not well.  Last night the alt group was transporting some of Neil’s stuff from his home to the Scott Farm, where Neil and Betsey are moving.  Bob Immler subsequently told me that Neil was just airlifted to Dartmouth Hitchcock, so please keep him in your thoughts and prayers. 
Thanks once again to all of our ride planners, our new members, those that joined and renewed, and to Kathy Lapan for serving as our treasurer.  
         Informal show and go Tuesday night rides will continue through the fall, starting next Tuesday, September 4th.  Rides will leave from the Brattleboro Common on Park Place at 5:30 p.m., weather permitting.  As the days get shorter, we will leave a bit earlier. 
Please join us for our planning meeting at the Marina next March.  Ride safe in the interim. 
Joe Cook

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