Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Another season bites the dust

For yet another year many of our rides were canceled due to rain, but we enjoyed the ones that did take place.  Most ride planners did a good job of regrouping periodically, lest any riders feel left behind.  We had a big turnout for Sandy’s ride, and the season finale last night.  We were especially glad to see Kirsten Jeppesen back in the saddle.  Thanks once again to Jim and Diny Sweitzer for the barbecue, all of our ride planners, our members that renewed, and to Kathy Lapan for serving as our treasurer.  
          After dinner last night we talked about plans for next year.  I encouraged everyone to attend our organizational meeting at the Marina in March, at which the club will provide goodies.  There was talk of "show and go" mountain bike rides leaving from Brattleboro on Thursday nights, and binging younger riders into our group.           
Our schedule has wrapped up for this season, however informal show and go Tuesday night rides will continue through the fall, starting next Tuesday, September 2nd.  This year we will leave from the Retreat Meadows on Route 30 at 5:30 p.m., weather permitting.  Once again, as the days get shorter, we will leave a bit earlier. We hope that you will be able to join us.
          Joe Cook

1 comment:

e-bikes said...

good blogging!