Friday, August 31, 2012

Another great season

Although many of our rides earlier this year were canceled due to rain, we enjoyed lots of other rides this summer.  Thanks once again to all of our trip leaders, and to Bob Immler for his work with our Facebook page, which has become something of an interactive forum for local cyclists.  
After our ride on Tuesday following the barbecue and pot luck dinner at the West Hill Shop, Pam Matweecha stepped down as our Secretary and Treasurer, and Kathy Lapan agreed to take her place.  Thanks Tweech and Kathy!
 Our schedule has wrapped up for this season, however informal "show and go" Tuesday night rides will continue through the fall. We will leave from the Brattleboro Common at 5:30 p.m. starting on Tuesday, September 4th, weather permitting. As the days get shorter during the fall, we will leave a bit earlier. We hope to you will be able to join us.
Joe Cook

1 comment:

Shane Lapan said...

I hope I can join on your events. I love biking all around and I am adventurous person too. Nothing can stop the event no matter what happens.