Tuesday, January 22, 2008

PBC Membership Cards; Tuesday Night Rides

The new membership cards have been printed -- if you have paid your dues for 2008 (whether as an individual or for a family), and have not received your membership card(s), let me (Will) know. You may pay your dues at the shop, by mail, or here.

We are considering breaking the Tuesday Night Rides down into 3 distinct groups.

The A ride will be for the advanced rider, who may be racing or wants a hard training ride. The pace will be 18-20+ mph, the ride may be longer, with town line sprints, pacelines, and hill climb competitions -- if you get dropped they may wait for you at the top of a hill or at an intersection -- or they may not, and you may be reeled in by the B group. The A group will take off first.

The B ride will be the classic TNR experience, with a pace of 16-18 mph, and the group will stay together and wait for any stragglers.

The C ride will be for beginners, or for those who want a shorter, slower, social, and scenic ride. The pace will be 13-15 mph and everyone will stay together. The C group will take off last.

With three different groups, riding the same course but for varying distances and at different speeds and starting at different times, the TNRs should be safer, more enjoyable and inclusive, and less intimidating. The intention is to offer a weekly group ride where all riders, whatever their ability or fitness, will feel comfortable and safe.

Your comments and ideas are welcome.

Having three different groups will mean that more of you will have to step up and offer to lead an A, B or C ride on a particular Tuesday night.

We hope to have topo maps of the various routes available on the website in the near future.

More to come in future postings.

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