Saturday, May 12, 2007

Do Your Part to Avoid Road Rage

We're reprinting this recent letter to the Brattleboro Reformer, because the writer has made some valid points. Safety (and road rage, which can result from one too many cyclists flaunting one too many rules of the road) are no laughing matter.

The rules of the road are simple, and there for specific reasons. Signal your turns and stops, stop at red lights and stop signs, use a portable light at dusk.

Drivers appreciate it. Other cyclists appreciate it. Your family appreciates it when they don't have to come visit you in the hospital.

When you're in the Tour de France, you can break all the rules you want.

In the meantime,
use good sense and common courtesy. Protect yourself and be considerate toward those folks you are sharing the roads with - particularly the ones driving large heavy four-wheel objects traveling at high rates of speed.

Editor of the Reformer:

Now that the warm weather has arrived we are once again facing another "bicycle season." Last night while I was on my way to Townshend on an errand I saw the start of the season up close and personal -- two of the "Team Putney" cyclist were making a left hand turn out of Grassy Brook Road onto Route 30 without a pause or a second glance to see if there was any oncoming traffic. Now mind you, this was at dusk and they had no lights on their bikes whatsoever -- I am hoping that this year we can FINALLY see some enforcement of the rules as they pertain to bicyclists.

Growing up in Brattleboro we always had an officer from either the Brattleboro Police or Windham County Sheriffs Department hold an assembly where they went over the rules of the road regarding bicycles. It was stressed that all bikes needed to be registered, you rode with the flow of traffic, used hand signals (the proper kind and not the more commonly used vulgarities that seem so common these days), obeyed street signs and lights, rode single file except on specific paths or wide shoulders, etc.

Many times over the past several years I have come close to colliding with bikers simply because they did not adhere to these common sense rules -- they seem to think that they are invincible or that the laws do not apply where they are concerned. I have seen bikers ride through walk lights and come close to hitting pedestrians without missing a beat, ride on the sidewalks downtown, continue straight through a red light in the left hand turning lane and many more violations than I have the time to list.

I, for one, would like to see a crackdown and tickets given to these people who so wantonly disregard the rules of the road not only as a punishment but also as a lesson: A driver cannot always see them when they do things such as this especially when the light is fading or if the sun is shining brightly in our eyes. If I can receive a ticket for not wearing my seatbelt, then why is it a bicyclist is not ticketed for endangering themselves? It's all the same principle.

Andrew Buttery

Williamsville, May 9


bmike said...

Yes, we should ride with care. Most cyclists do not follow the letter of the vehicular law... but common sense should prevail. We are ambassodors for our sport out on the road... but I think the focus for law enforcement should be on who can do the most harm. A 2-3 ton vehicle can be a dangerous thing - able to create far more harm than a bicycle. Far more lives (and millions in health care, lost wages, pain, suffering, and insurance premiums) if folks focused on a more civilised way to move to and fro, and laws that are in place governing our roads were followed by everyone - assuming that those laws make sense for the type of vehicle one is operating - be it a big rig to an English 3 speed on the way home from the market.

I fixed up the letter a bit... (tongue firmly planted in cheek) (with apologies to the original author)

"Editor of the Reformer:

Now that the warm weather has arrived we are once again facing another "driving season." Last night while I was on my way to Townshend on an errand I saw the start of the season up close and personal -- two of the "Team NASCAR" drivers were making a left hand turn out of Grassy Brook Road onto Route 30 without a pause or a second glance to see if there was any oncoming traffic. Now mind you, this was at dusk and they had no lights on their cars whatsoever -- I am hoping that this year we can FINALLY see some enforcement of the rules as they pertain to drivers.

Growing up in Brattleboro we always had an officer from either the Brattleboro Police or Windham County Sheriffs Department hold an assembly where they went over the rules of the road regarding all vehicles. It was stressed that all cars needed to be registered, you drive with the flow of traffic, used turn signals, obeyed street signs and lights, and did not pass unless the road was clearly marked. (You were also encouraged not to talk on the phone, eat your big mac, watch a DVD, apply make-up, or discipline the children in the back seat.)

Many times over the past several years I have come close to colliding with other cars simply because they did not adhere to these common sense rules -- they seem to think that they are invincible or that the laws do not apply where they are concerned. I have seen drivers proceed through walk lights and come close to hitting pedestrians without missing a beat, drive on the sidewalks downtown, drive at a speed higher than posted limits, continue straight through a red light in the left hand turning lane and many more violations than I have the time to list.

I, for one, would like to see a crackdown and tickets given to these people who so wantonly disregard the rules of the road not only as a punishment but also as a lesson: A driver, pedestrian, or cyclist cannot always see them when they do things such as this especially when the light is fading or if the sun is shining brightly in our eyes. Why is it a driver of a 2-3 ton vehicle not ticketed for endangering themselves and the lives of others? It's all the same principle."

Glibbidy said...

Anyone see Brian
Buettner's well written response
to that letter?